Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Leading by Example

I heard on the radio recently a song titled "Not Afraid" by recording artist Eminem.  A few words caught my attention.  At the beginning of the song, Eminem says:

Yeah, it's been a ride...
I guess I had to go to that place to get to this one
Now some of you might still be in that place
If you're trying to get out, just follow me
I'll get you there

The hook of the song says:

I'm not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We'll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you're not alone
Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road

What really caught my attention about this song was the assurance he was attempting to pass onto his listeners.  He acknowledges he has been in a rough place and then extends a lyrical hand to anyone experiencing the same situation in life.  He tells them that he has been there and that he understands.  Trust him, he will get you through.

It was interesting to hear these words.  It reminded me of words from a favorite writer of mine, the Apostle Paul.  In speaking to the Corinthian church - a group of people not unlike our society today - he says:  "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." (1 Corinthians 11:1)

It seems today that there are very few good leaders...or at least godly leaders who are willing to step out and step up as an example to be imitated and followed.  Well, maybe I should qualify that.  There are many who want to be worshiped and imitated to stroke their own egos, but there seems to be few that are willing to be true leaders.  In speaking to the Corinthian Believers, Paul was not saying "Look at me!  I've got it together.  Follow me...I'm the Man!"  Rather, he was saying that he understood the challenges of living like Christ.  It is difficult, but he was willing to hold himself accountable and demonstrate to them that it is possible to follow Christ through his own actions.  If they needed a contemporary, tangible illustration of a follower of Christ, he was willing to be one.

Are there any true Christ Followers (leaders) that we can follow today?  I would suggest that there are and that there are plenty of them.  Who, you ask?  Why, YOU, of course!  In Matthew 28:18-20 we are given a task, to go out into the world and make disciples of all people.

In order to disciple someone, a couple of things have to happen.  First, you must be a disciple yourself.  You must become a follower of Christ.  You must think and act like Him.  It isn't enough to appear to be like Him, you must BE like Him.  To learn how to be like Christ, you must study Christ - the Word of God incarnate.  Surround yourself with the Word.  Pray daily.  Pray constantly.  Meditate on Scripture.  Read it.  Explore it.  But don't let it end there.  Do what you read.  Live as if you really believe what you say you do.  Learn how to apply it to your life today.  Allow yourself to first be a Disciple of Christ.  If you are having difficulty in learning the practical application of being a disciple, I would suggest you follow Paul's advice and find yourself a Godly leader who will teach you about Christ and who would model His life for you.

As you follow Christ, it will be easier to disciple others.  As you learn, put into practice what you learn.  Be confident of what Scripture teaches you.  Let your roots go down deep into it.  Spend time with God.  Don't complicate it, just do it.  In Hebrews 12:12 we are told to "make level paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed".

Secondly, you must be willing to lead.  Not to be followed, but to lead.  There is a difference.  A leader is someone who faces the task at hand, safely, confidently leading though the path may not always seem clear.  A leader is assured and resolute in his task.  He understands his task and sets about doing it, drawing upon what he has learned and knows to be true.  A leader must be prepared as Christ was when facing certain death (Luke 9:51).  Knowing that his time to die had come, he turned his face as flint and headed to Jerusalem where he would be crucified.  We must also be resolute in our task of leading others to Christ.

When you and I answered the call to follow Jesus, we answered the call to become leaders.  It is a high calling.  Many fail and fall away - their hearts failing them for fear.  This does not have to be true for us.  "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline." (1 Timothy 1:7)  Draw upon that Spirit today and "take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees". (Hebrews 12:12 NLT)  We are all called to leadership.  We have been equipped with power, love and self-discipline.  Let us sharpen these tools through prayer, meditation and being discipled ourselves by Christ.  Let us extend, today, that hand of leadership.  We understand we have been rescued from the many pits, snares and heartaches of life.  Corporately, we have been in any and every situation that other people find themselves.  There are thousands of people crying out for someone to lead them...someone who understands their predicament, someone who has been there, someone who will hold their hand and assure them of deliverance.  Let them follow you as you follow Christ.  Be a leader.

God bless you as you endeavor to follow our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  "We'll walk this road together, through the storm, whatever weather, cold or warm...just know that, you're not alone."  Christ is before us, we will follow Him safely home.  Follow me, I'll get you there.

1 comment:

  1. Lord, help me to take up my cross daily and follow THEE Only!!
