Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! Yes, that's right, I said: Merry Christmas!!

Why do some people get bent out of shape when you say Merry Christmas? Is it because it recognizes a particular faith system - Christianity? Then why not get upset when I say Happy Hanukkah or Ramadan Mubarak?

Why does there seem to be a tolerance for other belief systems, but we somehow have to be apologetic if we adhere to the Christian faith system? If we are truly tolerant, won't it be OK for anyone to say any greeting that acknowledges a person's belief system - even if we disagree with that particular faith?

Just asking.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Something Else

God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole of God's work from beginning to the end.

Could this be why at times our life's journey can seem a veritable wilderness? When I am in the moment, I find it difficult to see beyond it. Sure, I can make plans or reminisce, but I cannot fathom what is actually beyond now, nor can I change what was.

This human limitation builds within me an anticipation. Deep within my spirit a question breaks through in sudden clarity: Surely, now isn't all there is, is it?

God has planted eternity in the human heart.

What is eternity and why do I long for it?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Beginning

The Teacher said there is no end of opinions to be expressed and the studying of them can go on forever, becoming very exhausting.

Allow me the opportunity to add to the weight of free thought and expression. Maybe it will permit me a lighter step in my own journey through this wonderful wilderness we call Life or something like it.

Join me if you like.