Dylan Thomas raged against his father's impending death and exhorted his Dad to "rage, rage against the dying of the light". Is there a lesson to be learned here for the darkening in our own lives? Or are we yet wise men sending forth words lacking light?
What am I talking about you ask? Well, at one time or another we all have astutely proclaimed that the world is going to pot, or in other vernacular, going to hell in a hand basket. So, Wise Man, what say you? What offering of light do you present to affront the accursed darkness and hold it at bay so that we all may see for just awhile, even for a step forward?
There is an endless stream of theory, rationality, study and speech about what can be done. But, in my mind, there seems to be an obvious lack of effort. Even the Teacher tells us: 'Be careful, for writing books is endless, and much study wears you out'. (Ecclesiastes 12:12)
I think the time for talk is long gone. What we need now, I believe, is for someone to actually do what they say, and do it well. Maybe that someone is our own self.
So, where is a good place to start? How about here: 'Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone's duty'. (Ecclesiastes 12:13) What about these 'commands'? What are they? Check out the following Scriptures for direction: Micah 6:8, Luke 10:27, Mark 10:45, James 2:17, Matthew 22:37-40, James 1:22.
I challenge you - and me - as Dylan Thomas challenged his father, "Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night". What say you? Will you join me?
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