This is an article I wrote that was published in 2001. I've revisited it and think I would like to share it anew.
"Help me! I’ve been robbed! It’s gone, all of it. What happened? Why did this happen to me?" I screamed at my Insurer. Continuing I bellowed, "You promised that if I leave my treasures in your hands that it would be safe! But just look around me now! It’s all gone! Every bit of it. Why!?! Why didn't you keep your word? I depended on you!"
With a look nearing contempt, I glared at the Man across from me. "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?" I demanded.
Not a word did He speak. He just sat there! Who does this guy think He is? Sure I read the contract, I understood the claims that He made when I ‘bought’ into the policy. ‘Leave it to Him and He will take care of it. Nothing will be forsaken.’ What a disappointment, what a mistake!
At the edge of despair I broke down and began to cry. All the things I held dear, my hopes, my dreams, the plans I made for life...all gone in an instant. Why did it happen?
As I cried, the Man sat.
After my sobs began to subside, He spoke, "Friend, I did not forsake you. Yes, you have been robbed. I am indeed sorry that it has happened, but happen it did. But you misunderstand me. I never promised that you would not be robbed, but I did promise that you would be taken care of. These hopes and dreams of yours that were so coarsely snatched from your grip I can restore. I know you feel betrayed but I ask that you have faith in Me. I will restore that which was stolen. It may not seem as if I can right now, but have patience. You will see."
Unbelieving I agreed knowing that He would fail. But you see I didn't have any other choice but to depend upon Him. Of all the other insurers He alone was the One I felt could actually make good on His word.
I waited. Days turned into weeks and finally into months. I don’t quite know when it happened, but as I waited I began to dream again. My hopes once more began to burn brightly. The joy that was so callously taken from me, returned in abundance. As I said, I cannot recall exactly when it happened, but I am sure it had to do with putting my faith in this Insurer, the Man who called Himself Jesus, the Christ.
Now as I look back on that time in which I felt I lost it all, I understand the sufficiency of this ‘life policy’ I have taken out in His Name. I am confident that even though I may again experience the same feelings of despair and hopelessness, He will restore to me that which is stolen. It is difficult, yes. However, He has not failed yet. When I look back between that time and now, I can see much more clearly that He has kept His word. My friend, if you do not know this Man, let me introduce you to Him. His name is Jesus and of all the guarantees of this world, His alone is worth accepting. You see, it is already paid for. All you need to do is accept it. It covers everything and there are no surprise clauses that will release Him from His obligations. It is yours for the asking. Ask in faith and confidence and be rewarded. He is waiting and you can’t afford to miss the opportunity. Call on Him today! If you need help getting to Him, call me. I’d be glad to introduce you.
* Originally published by Good Tidings Press, St. John's, NL, January 2001
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