Tuesday, November 19, 2019


While recently rummaging through a somewhat familiar place, I quickly realized the need for some illumination. The introduction of a mere wisp of light made all the difference between a safe and successful search and potential disaster.

A conversation with friends last evening reminded me of that simple incident and the important lesson it provided. Other life situations also sometimes require a little illumination.

Believers carry about within us a light, the Holy Spirit. There is never a situation so dark that His illuminating presence isn’t there to guide and assist us. There are times, though, when we can run ahead and miss this great gift. Thinking we know best we can sometimes barge into a situation with a quick fix or admonition without reference to God’s timing or an awareness of the larger circumstances. The potential for doing harm can be great. It is precisely at those times when we need to slow down and listen. Maybe the Spirit has different plans and can shine His light into the situation more fully. Taking time to assess what is going on will promote greater discernment regarding the issues at hand and will reveal the more effective path to take.

The light of Scripture encourages us to ‘wait upon the LORD’. Patient faith will rest in the light of knowing that God is in control. Redemption, after all, is singularly his work and domain. The calling to be faithful witnesses simply means to channel His light into the world and the situations presented to us each day. People are drawn to the light in the darkness. It dispels despair and fear, replacing it with comfort and security. Generally, people will also find the right path when sufficient light is applied. Allow God to grow and develop the measure of wisdom He has given everyone.

In love and gentleness, lift Him high and He will draw others to Himself. God bless you as you bear the light of his Holy Spirit into the darkness of this fallen world.

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